
7/25/23 I’ve been thinking about what it means to revisit – what can I revisit? When should I revisit something, someone or some place? Here are some of the ways this occurred over the last few weeks. I’ve been revisiting some authors as I hunt for new ones. My taste in books changed over time, … More Revisiting

Painful Choices

7/18/23 #wherewerv, #solTuesdays, #grateful, #whynotcamping In planning our Epic Western Journey, we’ve already made some painful choices about what to leave out. For example, we decided we won’t make it the whole way to the west coast. If we are lucky to be able to make a second trip at some point, that would be … More Painful Choices

The Accidental Hike

7/11/23. #wherewerv, #solTuesdays, #whynotcamping This past weekend we explored a new state park for us, one with a lot of hiking trails. We have been given some hiking-specific gear (thank you!) and wanted to try out the new hiking poles. And, I’m still breaking in new hiking shoes… Our first hike was labeled as difficult, … More The Accidental Hike