Spring Flowers Grow Memories

3/19/24 SOLSC Day 19

This is not the slice I thought I’d be writing today. I had plenty of ideas – snow (again), another gym story (maybe tomorrow), camping plans… But this is the slice that wrote itself today, after I took a picture on my way out of the house to the gym.

A dusting of snow swirls, 
so little it’s barely seen.
I see it touch 
the pretty purple flowers that decided
spring was here.

I remember the journey these
pretty plants have taken.

I see the ground covering green 
with the tiny purple flowers
growing around the side of the house 
where I grew up, 
around the back,
making a beautiful carpet of green. 

What is this called again? I’d ask you and you’d tell me.

I see the ground covering green 
with the pretty purple flowers
at the house where the boys grew up.
You brought cuttings 
and we planted and planted and planted them.

What is this called again? I’d ask you and you’d tell me.

I see the ground covering green
with my favorite shade of purple
that I brought with me
to MY house,
the first house I owned by myself.

I snuggled them into the dirt, 
encouraged them to spread out. 
I couldn’t wait for you to see my house.
I told you that
the green ground cover was growing so well.

What is this called again? I’d ask and you’d tell me.

I cried when I clipped cuttings
to take to this house, 
the house where it was too late to ask

What is this called again?

The cuttings from my house,
my kids’ house,
my mother’s house 
my grandmother’s house


It’s called periwinkle.

8 thoughts on “Spring Flowers Grow Memories

  1. I was loving your line “I’d ask and you’d tell me” from the first, and found it powerful as you repeated it. Then to the verse with “…the house where it was too late to ask.” The periwinkles suggest so much, and you wrote it beautifully.

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  2. What a powerful ode to spring, to beauty, to remembrance.

    And yes, sometimes there’s a mental plan in place for what to write, and then the heart and fingers outvote my brain and take over. Some poems need to be written, whether we know it or not…

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