
3/11/24 SOLSC Day 11

I grumbled my way out of bed, muttering at the stupidity of doing this twice a year.

Before that I sighed, gave up getting any more sleep and “wrote” this in my head. I was awake.

Before that my alarm chimed and I groaned. I was awake.

Before that the lovely birds would NOT BE QUIET. I was awake.

Before that the sky lightened enough to tell my brain to get up, get up, get up. I was awake.

Before that I rolled over, and snuggled under the covers as my brain said there was plenty of time to fall asleep. I was awake.

Before that I turned out the light, feeling smug that I beat the time change this year.

Oh goody (sarcasm alert). I’ll get another chance to win in the fall.

The Northern Mockingbird: I took this a few years ago. It’s my favorite neighborhood bird when I’m sitting outside enjoying the day.

P.S. I’m still grateful I didn’t have to get up and head to the classroom at my “normal” time. Retirement = more choices!

6 thoughts on “Grumbles

  1. I have a little more time before retirement but I can relate to the difficulty getting up. I tried to prevent the clock change fatigue by getting to bed early last night (with the help of benadryl) but it did not help.

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